0kg - 1,550kg
€13.00 - €189.00
Wall clock.
German UTS quartz clock mechanism.
Hand worked resin. Made in Italy
dimensions cm 17 x 17 x 22
weight gr. 1000
box 20x15x15
Anchor and screw included.
Drill bit diameter mm 6.
CAT Glasses Holder
Table glasses holder, Cat snout in surreal style.
Hand painted resin.
Made in Italy
dimensions cm L 5 x P 6 x H 13
weight gr. 300
GORILLA Glasses Holder
Table glasses holder, Gorilla snout in surreal style. Hand painted resin.
Made in Italy
dimensions cm L 9 x P 9 x H 11
weight gr. 600
BULL Glasses Holder
Table glasses holder, dog snout in surreal style. Hand painted resin.
Made in Italy
weight gr. 500
dimensions cm L 10 x P 9 x H 11
Flower vase, woman's head shape
Hand painted resin, handicraft product in Italy
dimensions cm 16 x 21 x 8
box 30x15x15
wheight 0,9 Kg.
Flower pot, man's head shape
Hand painted resin, handicraft product in Italy
dimensions cm 17 x 21 x 7
box 30x15x15
wheight 0,9 Kg.
Frame wall coat-stand. Hand with V fingers in victory gesture.
Hand painted resin with steel reinforcement.
Made in Italy
weight 2200 gr.
dimensions cm 27 x 14 x h 32.
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 6.
Frame wall coat-stand.
Hand painted resin with steel reinforcement.
Made in Italy
wheight 2300 gr.
dimensions cm 27 x 18 x h 32.
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 6.
Frame wall coat-stand. Rock Hand Metal Sign.
Hand painted resin with steel reinforcement.
Made in Italy
dimensions cm 27 x 18 x 32
weight 2400 gr.
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 6.
Wall coat-stand.Hand with victory sign.
Hand painted resin with steel reinforcement.
Made in Italy
weight 800 gr.
dimensions cm 9 x 12 x 22.
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 10.
FIST Coat-stands
Wall coat-stand.
Hand painted resin with steel reinforcement.
Made in Italy
dimensions cm 9 x 15 x 10
weiht gr. 800
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 10.
Wall coat stand.
Hand painted resin. Made in Italy
dimensions cm 8 x 5 x 22
weight 700 gr.
Max load 5 kg.
Anchor included. Drill bit diameter mm 6.